Wednesday, October 15, 2008

36 Hour Vacation!

Our family specializes in the micro-mini-getaway road trip vacation. It comes from years of graduate school living! This weekend we did one of our signature trips with a 36 hour outing to Gruene, Texas and San Antonio. We had a blast, as we usually do when confined in near proximity for several non-stop hours. I am so lucky to live with these people!

Thought you'd enjoy some pictures.

Funniest Shakespeare Cartoon Ever. Bam!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shed for YOU

At my church we put a lot of emphasis on holy communion, the receiving of God's gift of God's self in the form of bread and wine. This is good for me because I grew up Catholic and have a real attachment to the sacrament of communion. I'm a Lutheran style Christian now and this church doesn't teach the transubstantiation of my familiar Catholicism. Instead they believe that Christ's "Real Presence" is within the elements of communion.

As we share communion each Sunday, our pastor puts a small piece of broken bread into the open hands of each congregant and says, "The body of Christ, given for you." Another person then offers a sip of wine to each congregant and says, "The blood of Christ, shed for you."

A couple of weeks ago, I was that person carrying the wine and offering it to each of my sisters and brothers. I stopped at each person and said the words, "The blood of Christ, shed for you" over and over again. I said these words to my friends when they came to kneel for communion. I said them to kids and to old people. I said them to people in the church whose names I still don't know. I said it to people who have hurt my feelings. I said it to people who I've been snarky about.

As I said these words, they became a prayer. Not a benediction to my sisters and brothers but a reminder to me that God's grace is given luxuriously and freely to all who come forward with open hands. This is the reality of my faith. Saying these words made this reality so overwhelming present for me that Sunday.

Here indeed is the Real Presence of God in holy communion!