Thank your Daylight Savings Time! I have NEVER in my LIFE been so happy to have an extra hour show up for the weekend. I tend to have overly busy days lately, and it is a source of much meditation. I would like to simplify my personal schedule as part of my overall movement towards LESS. I would like LESS time stress. I am not the only person out there who has super hectic days all too often--I know what some of your lives are like!!! But I have to say this was a doozey of a weekend for me and my family. I would like to share so that you can appreciate how much we loved that extra hour.....
6:00 pm Take Henry Trick-or-Treating
6:30 pm Take Henry in costume to visit Grammie
7:00 pm Go to football game at Midway High School
10:30 pm See Midway beat Waco High 26-14
11:00 pm Pick Gracie up from the Band hall and head home
12:00 am BED
7:30 am Drop Henry off downtown in full Webelo Scout uniform for start of Homecoming Parade
8:30 am Drop Gracie off at High School to leave for out of town band competition
9:00 am Park on Baylor campus and find a spot to watch the parade (Penny the Boxer gets to come along, too!)
11:00 am Pick Henry up at end of the parade and go to West for a celebratory kolache!
12:oo pm Go home and do week's laundry plus all the housework I can fit in three hours.
3:00 pm Prepare car and candy for "Trunk or Treat"
4:00 pm Head to Church with Henry to set up the car for "Trunk or Treat"
4:30 pm Hand out candy to neighborhood kids and congregation families in our church
parking lot.
6:30 pm Clean up and pack up from "Trunk or Treat"
7:00 pm Stop at grocery store for dinner supplies.
7:45 pm Eat dinner--Kemper's delicious Tofu Piccata with home made pasta...mmm!
8:30 pm Put Henry to bed.
9:00 pm Grade papers.
10:00 pm Watch TV with Kemper
1:00 am Wait while Kemper goes to pick up Gracie from the High School (just back from that out of town competition!)
1:30 am BED
9:00 am Out the door for church
9:15 am Meeting at church
10:00 am Ran away before worship (Sorry, Jesus! Love you!) to head off to see dear friend!!!
12:00 pm Arrived in Granbury, TX after two hour drive. Get to see Terence who is in from Northern Ireland! Hurray! (Thanks, Jesus!)
5:00 pm Leave Granbury and head back to Woodway
7:00 pm Arrive back home and eat dinner.
8:30 pm Put Henry to bed.
8:45 pm Write this note and put it on blog.
Whew! I am a TIRED mama now! And I still need to fold clothes and do some more grading. But I'd say this is nothing compared to how tired Gracie is! She went to school all day Friday, performed Friday night, traveled from 8:30 am -2:30 am Saturday/Sunday, and then came along with the family to Granbury today. Sleepy girl!!